Welcome to Mji wa Huruma village,
the first slum on the internet!


On this website you will get to know Mji wa Huruma village, a slum settlement on the outskirts of Nairobi, Kenya. You can visit our homes, watch our sports activities, share our everyday life and living conditions, our daily chores and also our social activities.

(The site opened on March 18, 2000)

Visit the village

The history of our village

Matumaini Youth Group

Mji wa Huruma News, our monthly newsletter (not updated anymore)

Links to our friends:

CLEAN (Centre for Legal Education and Aid Networks)
(These are the people who, among other things, let as use their computers)

Shacks/Slum dwellers international

Martin Auer
(the writer from Austria who first helped us develop this site)

Some photographs of our friend Wolfgang Zimmermann, who also helped us with the project,
and was killed in a car crash on April 20, 2000.